Advances in subsea installation and monitoring systems

2 November 2018

The new reality of oil pricing has sharply focused minds on improving both operational and safety performance whilst reducing operational cost and associated incremental technical risk that could cause operational downtime and further cost escalation. This emphasis on cost reduction has created opportunities for new thinking and smarter solutions that meet the commercial and technical challenges faced by current and future construction and operational needs.

Ashtead Technology has recognised the need for a step-change in the application mind-set and the technology to provide very different solutions to its clients. We have designed a new approach that allows precise monitoring of subsea construction and integrity data and data integration capabilities whilst reducing cost, eliminating the risk of bespoke engineering.

As a specialist solutions provider in subsea construction, integrity and IRM systems, Ashtead has used its expertise, experience and knowledge of market-leading technologies to simplify the integration of sensor packages and provide integrated monitoring and sensing systems based on common proven building blocks.

This advanced suite of common integrated subsea monitoring and data systems building blocks support critical aspects of construction and integrity management, including suction piled structure, mono-pile, wind turbine and jacket installation and fatigue monitoring applications. Essentially, it offers a versatile platform for improved cost and safety performance whilst reducing technology and operational risk and providing key information that can extend life of assets.

These building blocks, common across all subsea monitoring applications, can be configured to accept virtually any sensor permutation, provide a subsea processing platform to rationalise and store data, communicate to the surface and to calibrate, process and present the output information at the surface. This allows for easy and reliable interpretation of data to log and pass on to third parties.

This building-block approach is just one of the ways in which Ashtead is applying fresh thinking and smarter solutions to transform how we work with clients to meet the challenges of a lower, for longer oil price.

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