Business ethics

Our ethical conduct

We aim to achieve the highest standards of governance, ethics and integrity throughout our operations. This is underpinned by our values, beliefs and principles and our commitment to always ‘doing the right thing’.

Our commitment to operate responsibly, ethically and to respect local laws and regulations is absolute. Implications of relevant laws are communicated to employees through policies and training including annual mandatory anti-bribery and corruption, sanctions and export controls training.

A whistleblowing policy is also in place to encourage employees to report any concerns related to activities either directly related to the Group or within the supply chain process. Concerns may include anti-bribery, corruption, risk of slavery or human trafficking, illegal or unethical business practices.

We recognise that the strength of our reputation is based not only on our own conduct, but also on the behaviour of those with whom we do business. We therefore expect all our suppliers and partners to adopt similar ethical principles and standards, and undertake robust due diligence of their operations and supply chains as appropriate.


We are committed to improving the sustainability performance of our business

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